The Species360 Conservation Science Alliance is pleased to announce that Dr. Andrew Mooney has successfully defended his PhD at Trinity College Dublin. Andrew has been part of the Species360 Conservation Science Alliance as a guest PhD student for the past four years, where he has worked on topics ranging from analysing zoo visitor attendance (read more here), the influence of flock size on flamingo reproduction, de-extinction in plants, and prioritising species for genetic rescue for which he received a Fulbright Student Scholarship to work with the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research (read here). Across projects, the data provided by Species360 members has played an important role in his research, highlighting the importance of global shared data.
The viva voce was overseen by Prof. Andrew Jackson (Trinity College Dublin) and Dr. Simon Dowell (Chester Zoo). During his PhD Andrew has been supervised by Prof. Yvonne Buckley from Trinity College Dublin, Dr. Kevin Healy from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and our own Species360 Director of Science, Prof. Dalia Conde. He has also collaborated extensively with Conservation Science Alliance members Dr. Johanna Staerk and Dr. Andrew Teare.
The Conservation Science Alliance wishes Andrew all the best for his future!