Last week the Species360 Conservation and Science team together with more than 800 zoo professionals, researchers and experts from all over the world, attended the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) Annual conference in Helsinki kindly hosted by Species360 Member Korkeasaari Zoo.
During the Species360 update session, all CSA team members presented the current updates from the team.
Dr. Sandy Trautwein, Director of Conservation of Science, Hannah Jenkins, Conservation Analyst and Nanette Driver, Product owner of ZIMS for husbandry presented updates including the exciting news regarding the upcoming IUCN Red List ex situ tab.
Dr. Morgane Tidière and Rikke Øgelund Nielsen presented the updates from the Science Team, including the research project on population level welfare indicators and the impact of ex situ conservation.

You can read more about Species360’s critical role in data sharing here.