

Sex differences in adult lifespan and aging rates of mortality across wild mammals

Species360 Conservation Science Alliance Dr. Rita da Silva receives prestigious Villum International Postdoc grant of 2.5 million DKK (~360k US Dollar)

Species360 Conservation Science Alliance PhD Candidate Andrew Mooney is awarded W. C. Campbell Postgraduate Teaching Inspiration Award

2020 Class on Biodiversity, Conservation and Species Management at Givskud zoo

Nature Ecology & Evolution: Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life

Species360 Conservation Science Alliance welcomes Dr. Andrew Teare

Visiting a Zoo This Week? Research Sheds Light on Why You Go, and the Impact on Conservation in the Wild

International collaboration on species conservation of turtles and tortoises (“Frankfurt talks”)

Jenny Gray reflects on work of zoos and aquariums / Blooloop

National Geographic: There’s no way these creatures are all sold legally

Thank you!

We thank our sponsoring partners: Toronto Zoo, Mandai Wildlife Group, Odense Zoo, University of Southern Denmark, and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). We could not achieve success without your partnership.


Conservation Science Alliance needs your support

Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsoring partners, which helps to fund researchers and data analysts conducting this important work.